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Friday, February 10, 2012

Introduction and Why I am Supporting Mitt Romney

When I was growing up I never paid too much attention to politics. The extent of my knowledge was that I knew who the president was, and I knew whether or not my parents liked him. However, when I was about 18 and I was able to vote for the first time, I actually began to pay attention to the issues and what the politicians were actually saying.

The first election that I voted in was in 2004. I was a big George Bush fan and I followed the elections pretty closely. Needless to say, I was happy when he won. One thing that I have always admired about George Bush is that regardless of what he was facing as president, it was clear that he loved America and was doing what he thought was right for America and its future.

In July of 2007, I returned back to the United States after having lived in Bolivia for two years. It took me a little while to get back in the swing of things, but one of the first things that I did was get informed on the political scene at the time. I was curious to find out more about Mitt Romney when I first heard about him. I knew that he and I shared the same faith, but that was not going to be a reason for him to get my vote - I needed more than that, I needed to know that he was a man who loves America and who is qualified to lead this country.

After reading about Romney and his background, I was convinced that he was a great man with strong family values and with a love for the United States of America. When he dropped out of the race a few months later and endorsed John McCain, I was disappointed, but it was clear that he was doing it in order to help unite the Republican party in its quest to retain the presidency.

It is now four years later, and I still support Mitt Romney in his bid to become the next President of the United States. Here are three reasons:

1. Mitt Romney Loves America

    When Mitt Romney speaks it is clear that the reason that he wants to be president is because he truly loves this country. Mitt Romney has lived the American Dream and has shown how hard work and dedication leads to success. I always feel inspired every time I hear Mitt speak - he speaks from his heart and he understands the consequences of staying on the same track that this country is currently headed. Anyone who is willing to listen to Mitt with an open mind, and without media implanted biases, will see that he is not in this for himself - he is in this for the American public and for the future of this great Country.

2. Mitt Romney Knows How to Fix Things

   Mitt Romney has a record of success. His career at Bain Capital was overwhelmingly successful. Like all businesses, he had failures as well. Not all of the businesses that he set out to save could be saved, however he did have many successes and his career is a great example of capitalism at work.

  When the Olympics were headed for failure in Salt Lake City, Mitt Romney was summoned to come to the rescue. He did not panic and his calm head and clear plan turned the Olympics around just in time to be very successful.

  Mitt Romney's campaign has had its ups and downs, but each and every time that the media has tried to knock him out of it, he has made the adjustments necessary to come out as the front runner.

  In America right now, we are in desperate need of a turn around. We need someone who can take the reins and get us back where we need to be. Mitt Romney is more than qualified to get the job done and I am certain that if America gives him a chance - it won't regret it.

3. Mitt Romney is a Man of Great Faith and Conviction

   Mitt Romney has been married to his wife for 42 years. They have raised five children and are still going strong. One of Mitt Romney's tallest hurdles in this race has been the misconceptions and concerns about his LDS faith.

   As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - I assure anyone out their with doubts that the fears are unfounded and Mitt's faith is more of a blessing and benefit than a liability. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is a Christian religion and we believe 100% in Jesus Christ. We believe that he was born of Mary and that he is the Son of God. We believe that he performed many miracles while here on Earth and that he died on the cross for all of our sins.

   It is true that some of our doctrinal beliefs differ from those of other Christian faiths. However, every single Christian faith has differences from every other. The important thing is that Mitt Romney is a man of faith and he believes in prayer.

   I understand that people worry that Mitt will take orders from his LDS leaders. However, this simply will not happen. This link explains the Church's position on Political affairs and shows that the Church is politically neutral. It clearly states here that the Church "does not attempt to direct or dictate to a government leader."

  Mitt's faith will influence him only in that he will strive to uphold the values of the United States of America and to respect the freedom of religion that everyone deserves.

  There are many more reasons why Mitt Romney is my choice for President of the United States, and as I update this blog, I will continue to express more. I hope that this blog can be a place where people can learn about Mitt Romney and where people who are on the fence about him can see why one of his supporters is supporting him so fervently.  I understand that many people have different beliefs and have different reasons for supporting their candidate of choice, and I respect that. I have tried to be respectful here, and I will strive to maintain a positive tone, and I only ask the same in return.

The most important thing to remember is that we are all Americans, and despite our differences, it is important to remain united and cling to our constitution and the values that our founding fathers have instilled in us.